Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Ok. So this is a post that is meant to do nothing more than to inspire me to write a bigger and better post. Ignore it if you wish.

As I sit in my CIA Dorm room, I cannot help but crave some delicious food (a common pass time of my fellow students). In this particular instance, I crave a burger. This will surely not be the last post I make regarding burgers, but it certainly will be the first.

I have now returned from my externship and completed my block of academic classes. After pulling an A (a 95%, and the crowd goes wild) out of nutrition, I can't help but retain some of the knowledge that Professor Stack pumped into us. I was honestly quite disappointed with Professor Stack the first time I had her in "Food Safety" (kill me). I was pleased to find that those dreadfully dull hour long lectures on "why anything I cook will kill someone", where probably due more to Stack's similarly strong dislike of the subject, than her teaching style. As a nutritionist, Stack naturally thrived teaching nutrition. I even looked forward to her classes. But I digress.

After 6 weeks of Nutrition, I have been terrified to go near Courtside (the school's casual burger joint and pub) and anything that is remotely like a burger or served on a bun. It goes without saying that my life has been dull and gray with out my friend The Burger in it.

Now, when I say burger, I don't mean any regular old ground beef patty on a bun. I want some toppings, some action, some excitement. What I want is a burger with attitude, one that can hold its own in a battle against my appetite. My constant friend on the menu is the Bacon Blue Cheese Burger.




Sorry, I went into a drooling fit for a minute there. There is absolutely no toppings I consider more holy that ye old Bacon and Blue cheese. I can't say what it is. Most likely, it's the saltiness. That nemesis of my arteries is nothing more than a sodium bomb I'm sure.

The Meat: Salty.
The Ketchup: Salty.
The Cheese: Salty and delicious:
The Bacon: Salty and next to Godliness.
The Fries: We're not even gonna go there.

My point is that I know that enough of these will kill me in the best way imaginable. I don't care. I've been exercising daily and i have earned one. Hell! Even if you aren't exercising, life is too short to deny ourselves the gastronomic pleasures on earth.

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